Greg & Lucy's Wedding (Saturday 14/04/2001)

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T'was the night before... The morning of...! Madalena + Sharon, our hairdresser

Mum + Anne, our makeup artist Anne + Lisa On our way!

Enroute to Pier One Mad Pier One

The Boys, Jason, Greg + Robert Gorgeous Annie Greg + Lucy

Group Shot Robert + Lucy Jason

Anne + Our gorgeous bouquets A spot of lunch Lucy + Anne

Tanya + Lisa Cute Jamie Bride's Parents

Our Bouquets Lisa + Mad Arriving @ the Church

Before taking the big plunge... Our Musicians, Sev + Connie Anne's Bible Reading

Lucy + Leroy Bad Bad Leroy Brown Adrian, Greg, Lucy + Annie

Adrian, Geoff, Lisa + Annie The Bridesmaids... Greg + I, Married!

Angelic Zoe!
